Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Universal Accounts

Trade mini and standard lots on the same account!

CMS Forex allows clients to trade both standard sized lots and mini lots from the same account; this is what we call a Universal Account. In the Forex market the standard contract is called a lot. A lot is equivalent to 100,000 of the base currency in the currency pair. For EUR/USD, the Euro is the base currency and a standard lot is equal to 100,000 Euros. For USD/JPY a standard lot is equal to 100,000 US Dollars. Due to the leverage inherent in the Forex market, one doesn't actually need $100,000 to take on a standard lot of USD/JPY*. Please visit our Trading Terms - Leverage page for more information on leverage.

Even though it is the convention, not all traders want to trade in increments of standard lots. For those wanting to take on smaller sized contracts, Forex dealers have developed the mini lot. One mini lot is equivalent to 10,000 of the base currency, or 0.1 standard lots.

Unlike many Forex brokers that offer separate accounts for mini and standard lot trading, CMS Forex offers a Universal Account where you can trade any combination of both mini (10,000) and standard (100,000) lots. VT Trader™ takes the needless complexity out of your Forex trading by treating a mini lot as one tenth of a standard lot — something that cannot be said about many other Forex trading platforms. For example, a client with CMS Forex can place an order for 2 standard lots, 3 mini lots (.3 lots), or any combination such as 4 standard lots and 6 mini lots (4.6 lots).

Whether you trade standard lots, mini lots, or both, our universal account is a flexible, sensible way to trade Forex.

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