Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Profit Potential in Both Rising and Falling Markets

Like any market, there is always a buyer and a seller the world of currencies. The potential for profit will of course rally between the buyers and sellers, the longs and the shorts. Trading currencies in pairs offers the advantage of speculation from either side, but it is the volatility in combination with excellent liquidity that offers currency investors a true advantage over any other market. Regardless of the time of day, traders in the Forex market can long or short any currency pair of their choice.

Many brokers also offer hedging, meaning that traders can take a long and short position on the same currency pair. The market’s volatility provides the constant potential for gain, and of course, the constant potential for loss as well. Forex trading can be risky, but execution in or out of trades should not be a problem when trading through a reputable broker. Equities traders, on the other hand, may have a much more difficult time liquidating stocks when the market is moving against them.

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