Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Advantages of the Forex Market

What are the advantages of the Forex Market over other types of investments?

When thinking about various investments, there is one investment vehicle that comes to mind. The Forex or Foreign Currency Market has many advantages over other types of investments. The Forex market is open 24 hrs a day, unlike the regular stock markets. Most investments require a substantial amount of capital before you can take advantage of an investment opportunity. To trade Forex, you only need a small amount of capital. Anyone can enter the market with as little as $300 USD to trade a "mini account", which allows you to trade lots of 10,000 units. One lot of 10,000 units of currency is equal to 1 contract. Each "pip" or move up or down in the currency pair is worth a $1 gain or loss, depending on which side of the market you are on. A standard account gives you control over 100,000 units of currency and a pip is worth $10.

The Forex market is also very liquid. When trading Forex you have full control of your capital.

Many other types of investments require holding your money up for long periods of time. This is a disadvantage because if you need to use the capital it can be difficult to access to it without taking a huge loss. Also, with a small amount of money, you can control

Forex traders can be profitable in bullish or bearish market conditions. Stock market traders need stock prices to rise in order to take a profit. Forex traders can make a profit during up trends and downtrends. Forex Trading can be risky, but with having the ability to have a good system to follow, good money management skills, and possessing self discipline, Forex trading can be a relatively low risk investment.

The Forex market can be traded anytime, anywhere. As long as you have access to a computer, you have the ability to trade the Forex market. An important thing to remember is before jumping into trading currencies, is it wise to practice with "paper money", or "fake money." Most brokers have demo accounts where you can download their trading station and practice real time with fake money. While this is no guarantee of your performance with real money, practicing can give you a huge advantage to become better prepared when you trade with your real, hard earned money. There are also many Forex courses on the internet, just be careful when choosing which ones to purchase.

Forex Market Hours

Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market operates 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week (6:00 PM EST on Sunday until 4:00 PM EST on Friday). Through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individual traders exchange currencies, though as the market is primarily used as a means for speculative investing, actual physical delivery of currencies is almost never intended. Forex trading begins every day in Sydney, moves to Tokyo, followed by Europe and finally the Americas.

How do you access the market?

It is important to note that retail traders, such as yourself, will most likely be accessing the off-exchange foreign currency market (or Forex market) via an FCM (Futures Commissions Merchant) or broker. You will not be trading in the actual Interbank market itself. Your access to the total market will be determined by your chosen broker's limitations.

FCMs or brokers act as a bridge between you and their liquidity partner (sometimes larger global banks) that you would otherwise not have sufficient capital to do business with. 
The large majority of off-exchange retail foreign currency brokers act as market makers, meaning that by keeping many trades in house they create their own liquidity. Some retail brokers clear trades directly through to the larger banks that provide their liquidity. If you are new to the Forex market it would wise to research and understand your broker's particular business model and method of clearing trades.

A Global Market

The example above illustrates foreign currency trading in basic terms as it relates to world travelers. However, the market is also utilized globally by each country's central bank (i.e., America's Federal Reserve), investment and commercial banks, fund management firms (mutual funds and hedge funds), major corporations, and individual investors or speculators. Depending on the timing of such transactions, purchasing a currency with the intent of later selling it at a better exchange rate (and vice versa) can potentially yield profits for investors, of course there is a strong potential for loss trading currencies as well.

Utilization by so many parties is why the Forex market is the world's largest financial market. This mind boggling volume is probably what led you to research the topic.

What is Forex?

The off-exchange retail foreign currency market ("forex") describes the purchase of a particular currency from an individual or institution and the simultaneous sale of another currency at the equivalent value or current exchange rate. Essentially, the process of exchanging one currency for another is a simple trade based on the current rates of the two currencies involved.

At the core level of the world's need for money exchange is the international traveler. When traveling from the US to England, for example, you will of course need the local currency to pay for transportation, food, and so on. Upon arrival at the airport you will surrender (sell) your US Dollars in order to receive (buy) the equivalent in British Pounds. In this example, you sold the USD and bought the GBP, conversely the forex counter bought the USD and sold the GBP. The prices at which you buy and sell currencies are known as exchange rates. This rate or price fluctuates based on demand and on political and economic events surrounding each country's currency.

Profit Potential in Both Rising and Falling Markets

Like any market, there is always a buyer and a seller the world of currencies. The potential for profit will of course rally between the buyers and sellers, the longs and the shorts. Trading currencies in pairs offers the advantage of speculation from either side, but it is the volatility in combination with excellent liquidity that offers currency investors a true advantage over any other market. Regardless of the time of day, traders in the Forex market can long or short any currency pair of their choice.

Many brokers also offer hedging, meaning that traders can take a long and short position on the same currency pair. The market’s volatility provides the constant potential for gain, and of course, the constant potential for loss as well. Forex trading can be risky, but execution in or out of trades should not be a problem when trading through a reputable broker. Equities traders, on the other hand, may have a much more difficult time liquidating stocks when the market is moving against them.

High Leverage

Leverage is the key to understanding the risk associated with trading the Forex Market, and of course, the potential for gain. Many Forex brokers offer leverage as high as 200 – 1, meaning that $50 of margin would control a $10,000 position in the market (this is an example of a mini lot). Forex trading is often attractive to investors coming from the equities market because Forex trading offers such high leverage. It is important to understand why Forex brokers offer higher leverage, and of course… the dangers associated with such.

To some extent, higher leverage is a necessary evil in the Forex market. It can offer advantages over equities trading, but only if it is properly understood and utilized. Though currency values on a global stage are constantly in a state of flux, high liquidity and market stability translate to relatively small daily price movements. In fact, average daily movement is around 1% on most major pairs. Compare that to the equities market, where average daily movements are closer to 10% and it is not hard to understand why large contracts are needed in order to yield profits on intraday price movements.

Without high leverage most retail investors would not be able to afford trading in the Forex market. However, with increased buying power comes increased risk. Traders who are new to the market often make the mistake of over-trading their account. Because relatively small margin is required to open large positions beginning traders often make the mistake of opening too many positions at one time. A quick market move can then result in substantial losses. IBFX would advise any trader new to the Forex market to trade only a very small percentage of their account at any one time.